Scam of the Month: Local Scam Alert

Educate yourself on some scams occurring right now in Middle Tennessee.

2 years ago


Scam of the Month: Contractor Scam Awareness

It can become difficult physically and financially to take care of our homes. Contractors know this and those who are scammers choose to take advantage of it. How do you tell if a contractor is a scammer? Look out for these five "red flag" warnings and do your due diligence.

2 years ago


Scam of the Month: Preventing Caregiver Fraud

Family caregivers might need to hire assistance while caring for a loved one. AARP recently released an article that highlights tips for protecting older adults from caregiver fraud.

3 years ago


Scam of the Month: Text Message Scams

There has been an increase in reports of people receiving text message scams appearing to come from well-known companies. Protect yourself from falling victim to phishing messages by following these tips.



Scam of the Month: Tax Season Protection

As a new tax season begins, keep in mind scammers will be revving up their efforts to steal your money. These scams come in different forms, but there are resources and ways to help keep your identity and money safe.

3 years ago


Scam of the Month: Tech Support Schemes

Tech support schemes are on the rise, and 66% of these schemes target older adults 60+. Read about the different ways these schemes can occur, as well as FBI listed tips to protect yourself from becoming the next victim.

3 years ago


5 Tips to Avoid Overspending this Holiday Season

The holidays can be a busy and expensive time of the year, with gift-giving, holiday parties, and travel plans making it especially easy to overspend on your family, your friends, and even yourself. While it is perfectly okay to splurge every now and then, you do not want to stretch your finances too thin and end up entering the New Year stressed and in debt. Here are 6 tips to avoid overspending this holiday season.

3 years ago


Holiday Scams to Lookout For

While we shop and cook and hang holiday lights, scammers are busy looking for their next targets. The Better Business Bureau has issued a list of scams to be on the lookout for during the holiday season and tips on how to keep yourself from being the next victim. Keep your holidays safe and jolly by not falling for these follies!

3 years ago


Medicare Scam Awareness

October 15th begins open enrollment for Medicare's more than 60 million participants. As you consider the many options, don't forget to keep an eye out for scams. Scammers use this time as an opportunity to take advantage of older adults.

3 years ago


“Salami” Attacks: A New Pattern in Email Fraud

Financial services providers and security companies have uncovered a new pattern of email fraud called “salami” attacks. Named for the way sandwich makers may cut salami into thin pieces, these attacks involve hackers “slicing” small sums of money from multiple bank accounts at once.

3 years ago


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